Overnight Train Routes (and the associated train numbers)

Ready to examine a few routes?

Click here to see overnight train schedules, detailed costs and map.

EurAide clients are good planners. We expect you to download and read "A few words about EurAide" before you proceed to contact us. It also includes helpful comments about overnight trains, even if you elect not to use our consulting or reservation services.

Click here to see some important excerpts from "A few words about EurAide" that relate to night trains.

The overnight train services of Europe — combined with your other travel plans — form a network that should enhance your travel. Unlike many other companies, we strongly recommend (in this order) that you:

  1. consider your travel schedules and contact EurAide with an outline (that we will let you send to us),
  2. discuss the outline with us before buying any ticket and/or rail pass
  3. coordinate with hotel plans, and only then
  4. complete the ticketing (that includes overnight reservations).

In specific cases, EurAide will jump during the first consultation from step 2 to step 4 based on our experience with high demand for some routes (on some days). European holidays (and summer school breaks) do not always occur when every traveler expects them.